Tuesday, 22 April 2014

MakeOver Corrective Base Make Up in #01 Cyanite

As a relatively new addition to the beauty industry, primer has quickly become a must have product combating combination skinlarge pores, or an uneven skin tone
Today I want to share about my first makeup primer/base: MakeOver Corrective Base Make Up. This makeup base available in 2 colors: #01 Cyanite and #02 Greenish. I don't have any problem with redness so I chose shade #01 Cyanite.

First thing first.. What exactly is a primer?
  • A makeup primer (or base) is a cosmetic designed to primes your skin, covering up any pores, scars, acne and creating a smooth canvas to apply your makeup. Though makeup can look fine without using a base, it generally won't last as long and may not have quite as polished a look.
  • There are a few main types of primers: moisturizing, oil absorbing, light-reflecting, color-correcting, and pore-minimizing. No matter your skin tone or regular makeup habits, a good primer can do wonders for your overall look.
  • There are both tinted and transparent varieties of makeup primer. The tinted one comes in a variety of colors, and is used to cover subtle age spots or discolorations on the face. Some primers feature bold colors like lavender, green, blue, and yellow. When used under foundation, yellow shades help conceal blue shadows under the eyes, while green hides red marks and lavender and blue brighten up yellowish skin. Transparent primers don't affect the color of skin as much as tinted ones, but can improve its appearance by moisturize and fill up any wrinkles.
  • *UPDATE* Read here and here for more explanation for color correcting base and other neutralizing makeup colors, such as concealer.
(taken from WiseGeek and theFashionSpot, edited by me here and there)

What's the difference between makeup base and primer?
When I googled this questions, there are two different answers:
  • 1st Answer. Base and primer are the same thing, though some cosmetics brand the product as a primer, while others call it a base. It is used to prepare the skin for what you're going to put over it next, namely foundation. It fills in large pores, wrinkles and fine lines to create an even surface so that anything you pile over it, won't flake off or look uneven. (source)
  • 2nd Answer. Base used to to enhance colors and reduces crease. If you have oily eye lids, having an eyeshadow base will help reduce the oiliness and makes the colors transcend better. Primers basically preps the skin for makeup. It smooths the skin, makes application of makeup easier and less cakey. Makeup will also last longer and some primer also work as colour correctors to even skin tone. Most brands use the terms makeup base and primers interchangeably and the formulas used could even be similar thus it will be up to your preference on what you need. (source)

So! Let's move on to the review.
Product Description. MakeOver Corrective Base Make Up is the best pick for everyday use, highly moisturizing and invisibly correcting uneven skin tone. Available in 2 colors : #01 Cyanite, #02 Greenish. Use Greenish to diffuse redness and Cyanite to brighten dull skin. Dries quickly, creates glowing effect, keeps skin smooth, soft and plush. Pearl Extract and Grape Seed Extract as antioxidant, Witch Hazel Extract for pore reduction, Moisturizer to maintain skin moistness and to prevent skin dehydration. Netto 40ml.
How to apply. Apply slightly evenly after Hydration Serum and keep for a while before applying other makeup products. No need to apply moisturizer after applying Corrective Base Makeup (contains extra moisturizer and Vitamin E).

MakeOver Corrective Base Make Up in #01 Cyanite comes with a tube packaging made from plastic. The black color gives exclusive (and expensive) looking. There's transparent part so you're able to see the remaining product. On the back side there are ingredients list, production code and expire date. If you open the cap you can see that this product has usual tube type packaging. Very hygienic and with a little squeeze I already get the right amount to cover my entire face. The size is considering travel friendly too.

MakeOver Corrective Base Make Up in #01 Cyanite comes in light purple/lavender color. As I mentioned earlier, lavender brighten up dull yellowish skin. I notice that this primer also evens out my skin tone.
The texture feels like moisturizer, with slightly thicker consistency, makes the application very easy. Easily spread, easily absorbed. I found this primer is quite moisturizing for my normal-dry skin and I love the fact that it has a slightly cooling sensation when applied on the skin. It makes my makeup last longer and dries quickly to a slightly dewy finish.
For staying power, in an air-conditioned room, this primer stays about 8 hours. After that, I need to blot the excess oil on my slightly-oily T-zone.

This is my first makeup primer and so far I've been loving it so much! For IDR69.000 (about USD7) you'll got 40ml product. Very cheap considering the quality. Eventhough this primer doesn't fill up my pores, it does the claims really well: highly moisturizing and invisibly correcting uneven skin tone, brighten dull skin, dries quickly, creates glowing effect, keeps skin smooth, soft and plush. I use this almost everyday now. 

+ Affordable
+ Indonesian local product (yay!)
+ Do the claims well
+ Good quality packaging, travel friendly
- No pore minimizing effect

you may....
if you're looking for a great quality primer with affordable price.
if you're looking for a primer with pore minimizing/pore filling effect.


Some useful tips:

  • If you're using primer, don't apply moisturizer beforehand, because the products often don't mix well and can result in uneven looking skin. If your skin is very dry, be sure to opt for a moisturizing product.
  • Don’t apply too much primer, usually a pea-size amount is all you need for your entire face.


What's your fave base/primer?




  1. This looks so nice! Great review!

  2. Lova ini primer make over harganya murah n isinya banyak ya... kalo di kulit oily kira2 jadi tambah minyakan gak kalo udah beberapa jam dipake?

    nice post ya!

    1. di T-zone ku yang cenderung oily sih bisa tahan 8 jam-an sebelum mulai minyakan (aku biasanya di ruang ber-AC), jadi mungkin kalo yang oily banget lebih cepet dari itu.. :)
      thank you for reading kak Imelda ^^

  3. Dear Lova, aku rada bingung, maksudnya brighten up dull yellowish skin tuh apa ya, putihan gitu ya....... suka ga mudeng sama tipe2 color correcting base yg warnanya selain coklat... -_-


    1. Hai Esy.. umumnya kan yellowish/warm skintone gampang keliatan kusam, jadi kalo dikasih warna kontra dari kuning yaitu ungu, nanti jadi ada efek netralisir.. bisa mencerahkan gitu ^^ lebih jelasnya mungkin bisa dicek disini yah. Hal ini juga berlaku di concealer yg berwarna :)
      Semoga membantu ;)

  4. The only primer I use so far is an eye shadow primer, by Urban Decay. It is great for keeping my eye makeup in place! This primer looks awesome and is a good deal. I'll have to try it.
    L A

    1. I've heard lots of good reviews about UDPP. Thank you for reading L A :)

  5. Dear Lova~~~~ (⑅˃◡˂⑅)
    makasih ya udah mampir dan follow blog ku, Dan aku baru bisa dateng sekarang buat followback juga heheheh..

    Waktu aku baca ini --> "When used under foundation, yellow shades help conceal blue shadows under the eyes, while green hides red marks and lavender and blue brighten up yellowish skin." Aku... baru tau kalau itu gunanya yg warna2 lavender dll itu, kmrn prnah liat merk apa ya~~ aku masih newbie bgt soal makeup, ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

    trusss~~~ kok ga dikasih spoiler foro kamu yang make primernya? pdhal scroll pelan2 ke bawah kirain bakalan ada (⑅˃◡˂⑅)

    Oh iya kl udh ada waktu, mampir ke blog aku lagi yaaaa~~
    Aku baru post sesuatu yang sifatnya pertanyaan, pengen ada yg bantu jawab (⑅˃◡˂⑅)


    kalau kamu lihat post ini, tlg ikutan jawab yaaa... thank you <3

    Thank you Lova, salam kenaaaal~~~


    1. hai Sherry! salam kenal juga ^^
      Yang color correcting cosmetics itu aku juga baru tau setelah googling reviews sebelum mutusin buat beli ini, hehehe
      Heum iya nih masih belum sempet (dan belum berani) upload before-after face nya >.<
      Thank you so much for the advice, dear! I'll update this when I got time (and courage) yah ;)

  6. pengen coba ini, atau merek lain buat primer tapi aku kayak bingung gitu ya, aku takut ketagihan yg berhubungan sama fondasi wajah (such as foundie, primer, concealer, etc), bukan takut apa2nya, tapi aku selalu takut kalo bare face ku jadi keliatan beda bgt... aaaaaa help me out, pengen banget sebenernya, tapi ragu terussss -___-

    1. Setauku primer ini buat prepare kulit kita sebelum pake makeup, jadi nggak akan terlalu ngubah bare face, cuma bikin warna kulit jadi lebih rata dan ngurangin kemerah-merahan di kulit trus supaya bikin makeup lebih tahan lama juga.. hihihi. So, ayoo dicoba aja Shinta ;)

  7. haven't tried this one, but Make Over's color-correcting products are good! selama ini, aku pakai Revlon Photoready Perfecting Primer (bukan yg color-correcting). aku sih lebih prefer to correct discolorations pake cream products (try Make Over's Camouflage concealer/color corrector, IT'S DARN GOOD!) setelah sebelumnya aku pakai primer :)
    I really enjoy reading through your blog kak, mind to visit mine? http://otcbeautifier.wordpress.com/ :D

    1. hai Katherine^^ ah I want to try the camo palette too! meluncur ke blog kamu segera :D
      and thank you for reading dear ;)

  8. Great review! Thanks for sharing!!


  9. wooow! you have a great blog! I love it !!!!
    and you, you are so pretty!!!!
    I wanna to ask you how about follow each other? Let me know, please. I always follow back so don`t worry :)
    have a nice day sweety!
    xoxo from Spain

  10. Interesting *0*

    I will check it out, never heard of this brand before.

    恵美より ♥

  11. Hi kak! Follow back ya :D Blognya lucu deh d:


  12. Aku juga pake produk makeover ini. Lumayan bagus emang produknya^^
    Boleh minta follow backnya dear? Thankyou :)

  13. Bakalan dicoba ntar, kayaknya bagus ya .. :)

    Follow back Lova http://misskarlina.blogspot.com/

  14. aku juga pake ini recommended deh...


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